Thursday, May 29, 2008

Field Day

Phillip's school had a field day the last couple of days of school. Jay took off work to watch Guy so I could go and help the class. Phillip and I had a lot of fun. The Pre-K class did not participate in a lot of the field day events, but I don't think they cared. They had fun dancing, playing on the playground, and playing in the sprinkler set up to cool everyone down.

After the field day activities we went back to the classroom. It was a very exciting day for the kids because they were able to eat their lunch in the classroom. How cool is that? Phillip and his buddies ate back in the block zone, which I thought was cute. Anytime you ask Phillip what he did at school today he always says "play in block zone."

The kids practiced really hard for their "talent show" performance, and sang a couple of other songs. Phillip told me I would not embarrass him if I taught the kids Princess Pat and Montague. Actually for the first time in a while I was pretty cool in his eyes.

At 1:00 the school was having a talent show. Phillip's class was doing a song about the "abc's" This was Phillip first school performance and Jay and I was very excited. The problem was they started five minutes early, and Jay came in right when the performance was over with. I video taped it, but it still was not the same.

Phillip and I hung out and watched several different kids perform their "talents". It was really cute. Phillip was getting fidgety and so we decided that we would walk home from school. Phillip and I have talked about walking home from school all year. I just could not see walking to the school and back with Thomas and Guy in tow. This was our opportunity. It was such a beautiful day, and Phillip and I really enjoyed that special time together.

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