Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weather night was a disaster!

This Wednesday we had weather night, and even though the kids had a great time it did not go the way I planned. The plan was to have a weather night (Make a tornado, some how show them hail, make a snowman with insta snow, and make a volcano.) The tornado was a hit (Jay has lots of practice from a health fair I did in my Red Cross days).The the rest did not go as planned. We still had a great time. The insta snow was fun (in a couple of weeks we are going to try to make our own with a diaper). You were not able to make mini snowman with it like I wished. I never figured out how to make hail, and realized at the last minute that we did not have baking soda, so the volcano was out of the question. Jay and I were both very tired and was glad that the activity was over with quickly. Phillip is really wanting to make the volcano, and I am going to have to remember to buy baking soda at the store. Next week we are planning on doing Dinosaurs day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed that you even attempted this. It looks like they had a lot of fun though. You did have hail, it's in your freezer. :)